Saturday, June 28, 2008

The term has ended!

Finally the term has ended!!

Before the term ended I presented my M.A.D(make a difference project) at an expo, all of mini school 2 presented there projects. There were around 200 people. Some of the projects were about Industry, Environment  (E.P.A), Environment (Endangered animals),  People who need a hand, School, Myself, Friends, Home, Sea Shepperd's and W.W.F.

In Maths we have been doing party maths this is what we had to do...
  1. Brainstorm our ideas for the party
  2. Think of a way to show our work
  3. Make invitation, front cover, Maps and Contents
  4. Show it to E
Crazy Hair Day , Rubbish free lunch day and Ascot Vale's got Talent
A while ago we had Crazy Hair Day we did it to buy a World Vision school kit or a goat for Africa. I think it was before that that we Rubbish free lunch day I can't remember how many kgs we saved but i think the whole schools rubbish that day weighed  2 kg.  

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Today at school I presented at assembly I presented my M.A.D (make a difference) project on how my family makes a difference. I also showed everybody a picture that we did in maths it was for measuring. What we had to do was draw a picture that had at least 5 places for measurements on it, once we had drawn the picture we got some string and put it where the measurements were going to go.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Finger Knitting

To E
I can't think of anything to do with them

Central Austalia

To ad
It would be good to go and camp there

To Ben
It was hard and I never realy got the hang of it


To Ben
Not any more!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Finger Knitting

Today in maths we did finger knitting. I did it last year but I forgot how to do it. I am guessing that I made it about 20cm long this time, last year it was close to a metre long.
To start, you tie a knot around your index finger. After that you get a bit of the string and loop it around your finger in front of the other bit of string. Then you pull the first loop over the end of your finger. Repeat this over and over until you get sick of it.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Central Australia

Today my student teacher told the class got told about Atitjere in Central Australia. Atitjere is an Aboriginal community of about 200 people which is about the amount of kids in our whole school.
After that I had a try of playing the didgeridoo.

Monday, June 2, 2008


On Thursday E's group did maths, we were adding decimal point fractions. It looked hard to me but when I tried to do it, it turned out to be easy. See you later!