Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Finger Knitting

Today in maths we did finger knitting. I did it last year but I forgot how to do it. I am guessing that I made it about 20cm long this time, last year it was close to a metre long.
To start, you tie a knot around your index finger. After that you get a bit of the string and loop it around your finger in front of the other bit of string. Then you pull the first loop over the end of your finger. Repeat this over and over until you get sick of it.


Turning Japanese said...

Everyone seemed to be having fun with the finger knitting. I loved how everyone helped each other. It was great team work.
Do you know why we did it as a past of maths? Do you know what we can do with them? All the pieces of knitting I mean???
Maybe you should try to write the instructions on how to finger knit on here for when you forget again or if someone else wants to learn.

ps... Good to see you're blogging at home!

Anna said...

Dear Octopus

This is E's sister A, from London. Why did you knit in maths? Knitting sounds like something you would do in art. Did you have to measure things with the knitting?

I like E's suggestion to write the instructions on your blog, I would like to know how to do it.