Saturday, June 28, 2008

The term has ended!

Finally the term has ended!!

Before the term ended I presented my M.A.D(make a difference project) at an expo, all of mini school 2 presented there projects. There were around 200 people. Some of the projects were about Industry, Environment  (E.P.A), Environment (Endangered animals),  People who need a hand, School, Myself, Friends, Home, Sea Shepperd's and W.W.F.

In Maths we have been doing party maths this is what we had to do...
  1. Brainstorm our ideas for the party
  2. Think of a way to show our work
  3. Make invitation, front cover, Maps and Contents
  4. Show it to E
Crazy Hair Day , Rubbish free lunch day and Ascot Vale's got Talent
A while ago we had Crazy Hair Day we did it to buy a World Vision school kit or a goat for Africa. I think it was before that that we Rubbish free lunch day I can't remember how many kgs we saved but i think the whole schools rubbish that day weighed  2 kg.  

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